_REF_SM3 bDriveStart BOOL [...] AXIS_REF_SM3 uiDriveInterfaceError UINT Drive interface
logical axes [...] logical axis [...] the logical axis
3_PersistPositionDiag (Enum) SMC3_PersistPositionLogical [...] _SeriesStats (Struct) Drive [...] 3_CheckPositionLagMode (Enum) SMC3_Drive
_TouchProbe (FunctionBlock) SMC_Logical_Axis (FunctionBlock) SMC_StartupDrive [...] 3_PersistPosition (FunctionBlock) SMC3_PersistPositionLogical
_REF_SM3 bDriveStart BOOL [...] AXIS_REF_SM3 uiDriveInterfaceError UINT Drive interface
block serves as drive [...] of the drive device [...] number: 1010 bDrive
/off, parameter 1010 bDrive [...] , parameter 1013 uiDriveInterfaceError UINT Drive interface
_REF_SM3 bDriveStart BOOL [...] AXIS_REF_SM3 uiDriveInterfaceError UINT Drive interface
_REF_SM3 bDriveStart BOOL [...] AXIS_REF_SM3 uiDriveInterfaceError UINT Drive interface
_REF_SM3 bDriveStart BOOL [...] AXIS_REF_SM3 uiDriveInterfaceError UINT Drive interface