. Specify the scaling [...] the Fixed scaling option [...] . With the Fixed scaling type
the Scaling/Mapping tab [...] .0 and the scaling settings [...] the scaling accordingly
in Properties . Scaling type Scaling type Defines the scaling of the height
Scale in 3D : [...] scaling Factor for scaling the length
on the main scale Note [...] . Scale Scale start [...] of the scale and the lower
for rotation and scaling [...] " functionality. Animation Tip [...] the scale. Scale Sub
scale. A meter [...] for rotation and scaling [...] . Scaling Variable
for rotation and scaling [...] . Scaling Variable [...] stretching Example: PLC_PRG.iScaling
of the scale start and scale [...] . Scale Show scale : [...] scale. Note
for rotation and scaling [...] . Scaling Variable [...] stretching Example: PLC_PRG.iScaling