Programming level Basic - Extended Language subset of safety programming with CODESYS Safety Extension The language subset of Safety FBD ( FBD Language Elements ) is limited according to the Basic and
FBD Language Elements The following objects and their elements generally serve the implementation of the program code of a safety application: Global variables of the Safety Global Variable List POUs
Insert Network (below) Symbol: Shortcut: Ctrl + T Function : The command inserts a new network below the current network. Call : Menu: Safety FBD Context menu in the Safety FBD Editor :
Command: Toggle network comment state Symbol: Shortcut: Ctrl + O Function : The Toggle network comment state command comments out a network or places the network in the normal state. For more informat
Command: Insert Box Symbol: Shortcut: Ctrl + B Function : The command inserts a box in the Safety FBD Editor (see: FB calls ). Call : Menu: Safety FBD Context menu in the Safety FBD Editor On executin
Command: Insert Empty Box Symbol: Shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + B Function : The command inserts an empty box in the Safety FBD Editor. The box type is marked as empty ( ??? ) and can be edited or selected
Command: Insert Input Symbol: Shortcut: Ctrl + Q Function : The command adds an additional input to an extendable operator box . No more inputs can be added to other operators. Call : Menu: Safety FBD
Command: Set Output Connection Symbol: Function : The command sets the output connection to another output. Call : Menu: Safety FBD Context menu in the Safety FBD Editor Each box can have only one mai
Command: Update parameters Symbol: Shortcut: Ctrl + U Function : The command updates the inputs and outputs of a function block call. Call : Menu: Safety FBD Context menu in the Safety FBD Editor :