CODESYS Development System
. Permitted data types of the operands: any basic data type If the first
CODESYS Development System
. Permitted data types of the operands: any basic data type If the first
_INPUT Name Data Type [...] _OUTPUT Name Data Type [...] safety-related data
(numeric data type [...] (integer data type [...] (numeric data type
'<type>' (data [...] : The data type of the VAR [...] <object type
CODESYS Development System
of type '<data type [...] Compare only data types [...] of type 'ARRAY [1
the data type. Table 23 [...] -defined data types, function [...] types: Category nodes
CODESYS Development System
(<base>,<exponent>) Permitted data types [...] base data types ( [...] data types
(numeric data type [...] (integer data type [...] (numeric data type
both standard data types [...] _INPUT Name Data Type [...] Data Type Initial