Parameters xSaveInFirstCycle [...] SaveCyclic TIME TIME#0ms x
for exactly one cycle. ETrigTo udiTime [...] the time (µs
for exactly one cycle. ETrigTo udiTime [...] the time (µs
the FSoE watchdog time [...] from the FSoE device S_udiResponseTime [...] E response time
boiler load cycle [...] load cycle [...] during this load cycle. Optional
for exactly one cycle. ETrigTo udiTime [...] the time (µs
the cycle time in μsec. d [...] and time pattern [...] at any time
position at a given time. The time is given as a [...] time. Note
event udiSyncCycle UDINT SYNC cycle udiSyncWindowLength UDINT SYNC window udiSyncForewarnTime
number: 1022 fCycleTime [...] number: 1041 fSetActTimeLagCycles [...] in the bus cycle task