NewClient (Method) CmdNewFrame [...] Test (Method) CmdValueChanged [...] Destroyed (Method) IValueChanged
OuterRectangle (Method) ISwipeableFrame (Interface) IsHorizontalSwipeableFrame (Method) IsTopLevelSwipeableFrame
CmdNewClient (Struct) StructCmdNewFrame [...] CmdRemoveClient (Struct) StructCmdValueChanged
_byLocalError, the FSoE state changes [...] to the instance variable _uiMinFrame [...] in millseconds S_uiSendFrame
changes in application [...] changes - or even without code changes
the reference to the element after online change
SocketClient Reference to the Web [...] eFrameType FRAME_TYPE FRAME
references for data [...] _BACNET_HANDLE Input bReportOnlyOnValueChanges [...] , the value change
references for data [...] _BACNET_HANDLE Input bReportOnlyOnValueChanges [...] , the value change
state change, etc [...] Input S_pbySendFrame [...] of the send FSoE frame S