Number of total alarms [...] state iAlarmClassNum INT Number
DataBlockBaseDINT ¶ GetAlarmMetaObjectStub2 (Method) GetCount [...] ValidIndex2 (Method) SetActiveAlarms
Monitor (Interface) GetAlarmClassesDescription (Method) GetAlarmGroupsDescription (Method) GetAlarms
number of alarm ADD [...] STRUCT Alarm [...] of the alarm information: 4
AlarmsGetCount AlarmsGetAlarms
Comment Constant PNM_MAX_ALARMS UINT 32 max. number of alarms stored
WaitingConf (Property) ReAlarmRepeatCount [...] FromStorage (Method) GetCountAlarms [...] Handler5 (Interface) AlarmConfigurationCount
Handler5 Properties: AlarmConfigurationCount [...] from IAlarmHandler2 GetCountAlarms [...] Handler GetActiveAlarms ,
ReorderingTime (Property) ReorderingCount [...] Blocked (Property) DefaultAlarm [...] Alarm
extender of the alarm [...] generated by the alarm [...] by the alarm generator