for the last axis position [...] .e. the axis position [...] Ctx SMRE.Error
. Note If Axis [...] is set, then Axis [...] and reports error SMC
. Note that error SMC_AXIS [...] Inout AxisGroup AXIS [...] is not finished Error BOOL
SubIndex USINT 0 Inout Axis AXIS [...] Busy BOOL xError BOOL usi
Inout Axis AXIS [...] Busy BOOL xError BOOL dwError
offset of axis A [...] offset of axis B [...] Output bError BOOL
block errors. In [...] Axis AXIS [...] FALSE TRUE : Error
of an axis to a new value [...] when the axis is in state [...] Done or bError are set
. Note If Axis [...] is set, then Axis [...] and reports error SMC
errCtx SMRE.Error [...] Fun aRef PathElemAxis [...] BOOL Error BOOL