VisuClientObjectMgr.SetNextElementIndex (METH) ¶ METHOD SetNextElement [...] Out: Scope Name Type
ICollection.RemoveElement [...] RemoveElement : [...] the element itfElement
ICollection.AddElement (METH) ¶ METHOD AddElement [...] _ERROR Add the element itfElement
Stack.RemoveElement [...] RemoveElement : [...] the element itfElement
VisuFbGroupOverlay.GetChildElement [...] PROTECTED GetChildElement [...] StructPoint InOut: Scope Name
DintElement [...] Create : IDintElement Creates a DintElement
IntElement [...] Create : IIntElement Creates a IntElement In
BoolElement [...] Create : IBoolElement Creates a BooElement In
List.RemoveElement [...] RemoveElement : [...] the element itfElement
SortedList.Element [...] ElementEquals : BOOL [...] of this element and itfElement