Type Return CreateDynamic UDINT Input pDataBuffer POINTER TO BYTE udiData
Out: Scope Name Type [...] The pointer to the data [...] where the data shall
SysSockSendToUdp (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE t [...] Out: Name Type Comment di [...] DestAddress STRING pbyData POINTER
AddressInfoWriter interface. Methods: SetDataItem GetSize GetType [...] ) GetType (Method
Ua_AggregateConfiguration (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE Opc [...] Out: Name Type Use [...] Ua_Boolean PercentDataBad Opc
_T_DP_SET_BUSPARAMETER_REQ (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE SOFTING [...] Out: Name Type bf [...] _timeout UINT data
) ¶ TYPE DP_ADDR : STRUCT data structure [...] Out: Name Type Initial
by calling BeginDataConfiguration/EndData [...] Out: Scope Name Type [...] AfterTempShutdown UDINT Input pstData
Out: Scope Name Type [...] DialogOpen BOOL Input pClientData POINTER TO VisuStructClientData
Out: Scope Name Type [...] BOOL Input pData [...] to the underlying data array. pElemData