CipherText POINTER TO RtsByteString [...] InitVector POINTER TO RtsByteString [...] PlainText POINTER TO RtsByteString
PlainText POINTER TO RtsByteString [...] InitVector POINTER TO RtsByteString [...] CipherText POINTER TO RtsByteString
Name string 3 [...] H libraryFile String [...] contentFile String
FramePath STRING(255) The path [...] that should be handled @IECCodeConverter_Type: String p
Random POINTER TO RtsByteString [...] of cryptographic strong bytes [...] _OK if the bytes
64_ENCODE (Function) String [...] JSONValue2 (Function) URL_ENCODE_STRING (Function) URL_ENCODE_STRING
Id OpcUa_String UserName OpcUa_String Password OpcUa_ByteString
string. InOut: Scope [...] Result POINTER TO BYTE [...] Format POINTER TO BYTE
’ in POINTER TO BYTE Input: Pointer to STRING out POINTER TO BYTE Output
’ in POINTER TO BYTE Input: Pointer to BYTE array out POINTER TO BYTE Output