Out: Scope Name Type [...] The pointer to the data [...] where the data shall
, whether the data source [...] of the data, that was read [...] Out: Scope Name Type
Out: Scope Name Type [...] TopMostDialogRect BOOL Input pClientData POINTER TO VisuStructClientData
EntryPointer : POINTER TO Visu_StructFrameRegistrationData [...] Type Return GetEntryPointer POINTER TO Visu_StructFrameRegistrationData
Out: Scope Name Type [...] location of the data [...] Size of sent data.
Type Return CreateDynamic UDINT Input pDataBuffer POINTER TO BYTE udiData
Type Return CreateDynamic UDINT Input pDataBuffer POINTER TO BYTE udiData
PoolFactoryArgs EXTENDS FBF.InstanceData [...] Type Inherited [...] .HANDLE InstanceData udi
into buffer pData InOut: Scope Name Type [...] Size CAA.SIZE pData CAA.PVOID
_Constants (GVL) Dialog_FormatTypes [...] _Variables_Exp (GVL) GlobalTextList (GlobalTextList) IFileList