_ReadActualVelocity (FunctionBlock) MC_ReadAxisError [...] 3_ParamCommunicationMethod_Enum (Enum) SMC_AXIS_STATE (Enum) SMC_AXIS
_GetTravelTime Returns when the axis [...] =TRUE, provided no error [...] duration. An error
of the axis group [...] of the axis group. It can [...] while the axis group is still
with an error [...] Inout AxisGroup AXIS [...] is not finished Error BOOL
virtual) master axis [...] on the real slave axis [...] axis. If the master
of axis 5 in degrees bError [...] for axis 0, 1, 3, and 4 [...] °[ The valid range for axis
or in the event of an error [...] xDone , xError , eError )
or in the event of an error [...] xDone , xError , eError )
or in the event of an error [...] xDone , xError , eError )
or in the event of an error [...] xDone , xError , eError )