of the itfString can [...] _TO_MEMORY UDINT Input itfString [...] Representation String interface
InitialValue ERROR Input itfString [...] Buffer POINTER TO BYTE 0 udi
of the file in bytes Input szFileName STRING
Name POINTER TO STRING Inout [...] TO BYTE udi
Name POINTER TO STRING Inout [...] TO BYTE udi
Dir STRING(254) Directory entry as string Note Empty string (‘’)
AttachFolder STRING A folder [...] TO BYTE Pointer
UnreadContentSize (Method) IgnoreBytes [...] ) ReadByte (Method) ReadBytes (Method
AreGuidsEqual (Function) UtilByteToHexString (Function) UtilCutStringAfterFirstDot (Function) UtilDumpReadBytes
61850_ArrayBits_SwapLeft (Function) IEC61850_ByteBits_SwapLeft (Function) IEC61850_Byte [...] 61850_CONCAT6 (Function) IEC61850_CheckByte