_Non_Existent BIT Slave doesn [...] ). Station_Not_Ready BIT [...] _Fault BIT Slave
reads one bit [...] Id The device to read the bit from. @param bit
#80 BIT 7 = IV (0=gültig/1=ungültig), BIT 6 = Reserve byStunde BYTE BIT 7 = SU (0
PortDiagnosis BIT EnableProcessAlarm BIT PortConfigurationSource BIT 0: PDCT 1: PNIO
Following bit masks [...] COBIDMask DWORD 16#1FFFFFFF Bit [...] #80000000 Bit Mask
IOPS_Input BIT IOPS [...] _Output BIT IOPS state [...] ConfigurationSource BIT 0: PDCT 1: PNIO
a bit in an ULONG [...] Errors.library). ERR_OK: If bit [...] _FAILED: If bit is still reset
bit in an ULONG [...] Errors.library). ERR_OK: If bit [...] _FAILED: If bit is still set
Out: Name Type KbusBit [...] Pos UINT BitCountAnalogInput UINT Bit
61850_TRGOPT_NONE 16#1 Bit 0 [...] 61850_TRGOPT_DCHG 16#2 Bit 1 data [...] 61850_TRGOPT_QCHG 16#4 Bit 2 data