the given long word [...] bSwap BOOL
the given double word [...] bSwap BOOL
the given long word [...] bSwap BOOL
the given long word [...] bSwap BOOL
the given double word [...] bSwap BOOL
ReadOfBigVarTypes : BOOL In [...] ReadOfBigVarTypes BOOL Input dw [...] wBufferSize WORD
61850_Init_DataPoints : BOOL In [...] 61850_Init_DataPoints BOOL Input eName IEC [...] Datenpunkt wSizeOf WORD
AxisStructID WORD 16#FE12 AXIS [...] RegulatorOn BOOL FALSE Parameter [...] _REF_SM3 bDriveStart BOOL
Input xExecute BOOL [...] Abort BOOL FALSE TRUE [...] CAT slave wIndex WORD
Index WORD bySubIndex BYTE [...] TimeOut UDINT bAbort BOOL bCompleteAccess BOOL