DWORD , REAL , [...] 36/G37 (where string [...] Val_x1: REAL:=100; r
.446.744.073.709.551.615 64 uli REAL Single [...] 754 64 lr STRING 8
-selection is needed for real [...] String Comma [...] . Hostname String Network
for real input devices [...] which are written to a string
CODESYS Application Composer
of the string to save memory [...] LogVar : REAL; END
. 65536 CfgFile STRING [...] . 1 Path STRING [...] Version STRING Version
CODESYS Development System
_INPUT rVelocity: REAL [...] Name STRING(79) ‚‘ Date [...] of the variable as STRING
CODESYS Application Composer
Type is declared but no real [...] are strings and must [...] REAL := 5 ; END
variable*) rInput_B:REAL [...] STRING; (* Informs [...] ; String gets composed