Flags DWORD 16#0 CharSet DWORD 16 [...] Color DWORD 16#FF000000
Bitmask DWORD A bit mask to the portion of a DWORD [...] in the DWORD usi
Param DWORD 0 dwValue DWORD [...] AddParam DWORD 0 p
OutputData : DWORD In [...] OutputData DWORD Input ID DWORD
UaServerGetNextSession : DWORD [...] UaServerGetNextSession DWORD Input dwLastSession DWORD pResult POINTER
SUBSLOT_ID : DWORD [...] _ID DWORD Input EN BOOL [...] DWORD Handle to a PN
PortInD : DWORD In [...] PortInD DWORD Input w
TO DWORD returns [...] Instance POINTER TO DWORD
Dint : DWORD In [...] Return GetDint DWORD
Swapping ¶ SwapDword (Function) SwapDwordIf (Function) Swap