ChangePassword ¶ ChangeUserPassword (Method)
ChangePassword ¶ ChangeUserPassword (Method)
ChangePassword ¶ ChangeUserPassword (Method)
UserMgrGroupAdd (Function) UserMgrGroupAddUser (Function) UserMgrGroup
, only used for legacy. dwUserGroupID DWORD The user group id abyUserGroup
of the user dwUserGroup [...] where the user belongs to abyUserGroupIDs ARRAY [0..VUM_Constants.VISU_VUM_MAX_GROUPS_PER_USER
.ICredentialsProvider, IDatasources.ICredentialsUserPassword [...] GetCredentials (Method) ICredentialsUserPassword [...] STRING _password
UserMgrUser [...] UserMgrUser [...] the credentials of the user In
Structs ¶ UserMgrCredentials (Struct) UserMgrCredentials_Password (Struct) User
MgrObjectAdd (Function) UserMgrObjectAddGroup [...] MgrObjectGetFirstChild (Function) UserMgrObjectGetFirstGroup (Function) UserMgrObjectGetGroup