, that are only written into the alarm [...] Occurred ActiveAlarmsChanged , [...] ManagerClient Alarm
: TblAlarmGetCommentValue Structure: TblAlarm
Enumerations ¶ AlarmState (Enum) Alarm
H libraryFile VisuElemsAlarm [...] contentFile VisuElemsAlarm [...] 16 DefaultNamespace VisuElemsAlarm
ReturnFromSubmoduleAlarm SaveData SendDiagnosisAlarm SendProcessAlarm Set
IAlarmDataBlockBase2 ¶ GetAlarm [...] CountRows (Method) HasAlarms
extender of the alarm [...] generated by the alarm [...] by the alarm generator
.IQueryInterface Represents an alarm group of the alarm configuration
private ¶ prvReadAlarmComment (Method) prv [...] RetrieveLatchVarValue (Method) prvTblAlarm