Out: Name Type StartTime OpcUa_DateTime
Timestamp LINT Output timeDate [...] containing the date and time ui
Range (Function) InitializeBACnetDateTime (Function) InitializeBACnetDateTime [...] BACnetBoolean (Function) InitializeBACnetDate
clock date/time [...] Clock to itfDateTime [...] Reset BOOL FALSE Reset itfDateTime
. Input timeDate [...] the date and time (UTC)
Ua_UInt32 PublishTime OpcUa_DateTime
C Input Const itfDateTime [...] Provider Globals.g_dtpDateTime [...] date and time
uliDateTime . WeekOfYear(JoinDateTime [...] Weekday:=WEEKDAY.MONDAY WeekOfYear(JoinDateTime [...] OfYear ERROR Input uliDateTime
types. BACnetDateTime [...] RangeFromContents (Function) GetDateTime [...] Range (Function) FromBACnetDateTime
Ua_StatusCode SourceTimestamp OpcUa_DateTime ServerTimestamp OpcUa_DateTime