TimeCount OpcUa_UInt [...] KeepAliveCount OpcUa_UInt [...] NotificationsPerPublish OpcUa_UInt
_uiSNTPPort UINT 123 Port used [...] _uiOwnPort UINT 127 Local port
PreElements UINT SFCElement pa [...] PostElements UINT SFCElement
InputBufferSize UINT The size [...] ResultBufferSize UINT The size
Cmd UINT Command code p [...] Ans UINT Answer code i
StringSrc POINTER TO UINT wchar [...] TO UINT b
DataSetsToReturn OpcUa_UInt32 MaxReferencesToReturn OpcUa_UInt32
ServiceGroup UINT uiService UINT
ServiceGroup UINT uiService UINT
CharBufferString.Capacity (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY Capacity : UINT The size