the alarm group. This ID [...] in the alarm storage. In
.IQueryInterface Methods: GetAlarmClass GetAlarmGroup Get [...] TriggerValue (Method) GetAlarm
by the alarm generator [...] calls after an alarm
active alarms or the historic alarms. In
_PARALLEL_CONNECT UINT 6 MaxAlarmDataLength UINT (MaxAlarm [...] size of the Alarm
Handler GetActiveAlarms , [...] Handler2 GetAlarms [...] from IAlarmHandler2 GetCountAlarms
Datasource IDatasources.IDatasource itfAcknowledgeAlarmsSeviceProvider IAcknowledgeAlarmsServiceParameterProvider
ManagerClient at the alarm mannager [...] Client UDINT Input itfAlarm
of active alarm state alm [...] to active alarm state x [...] of an alarm x_CF BOOL
parts of the alarm [...] The region of the alarm