ServiceWriter Methods: WriteByte WriteBytes WriteBytes [...] DataStartTag WriteEndTag WriteFillBytes
Packing ¶ PackArrayOfBoolToArrayOfByte (Function) PackBitsToByte [...] BitsToWord (Function) PackBytes
to write a data byte [...] the following protocol: Byte [...] address Byte1: Port
Jahr WORD byMonat BYTE byTag BYTE byStunde BYTE byMinute BYTE by
TO BYTE Pointer to the byte stream [...] of the byte stream to send
of cryptographic strong bytes [...] _OK if the bytes could be generated Input ui32NumOfRandomBytes
61850_ArrayBits_SwapLeft BOOL Input pByteIn POINTER TO BYTE pByteOut POINTER TO BYTE by
Comment Constant IEC_BYTE IEC_TYPE __SYSTEM.TYPE_CLASS.TYPE_BYTE Encodingsize: 1 Byte IEC
TO BYTE Pointer to the first byte [...] in bytes pby
of written bytes as well [...] TO BYTE Pointer to the first byte