, 115200 byStopBits BYTE [...] Parity BYTE 0 = NOPARITY, 1
Output bySwitches BYTE [...] CustomBitmap read8 write8 writeBit [...] 8 (Method) writeBit
16_IEC_to_KNX ARRAY [0..13] OF BYTE [...] 16_IEC_to_KNX : ARRAY [0..13] OF BYTE Convert the IEC
terminated byte array [...] 80 byte IString [...] Memory : ARRAY [0
Ua_SByte Byte_cds OpcUa_Byte [...] Ua_Guid ByteString OpcUa_ByteString XmlElement OpcUa_Byte
PWM ARRAY [0 [...] Enable ARRAY [0..15] OF BOOL [4(TRUE)] Bit x =
. The number of bytes copied [...] on error, e.g. if uiElemDataSizeBytes [...] Data POINTER TO BYTE A
-Writing BitGet (Method) Bit [...] ) WriteByte (Method [...] UnreadContentSize (Method) IgnoreBytes
_REF_SM3 Input bMaskBit [...] ActiveCaptureSources BYTE di
_REF_SM3 Input bMaskBit [...] ActiveCaptureSources BYTE di