independently of the task cycle of the visualization task VISU_TASK
CODESYS Development System
for the cycles and cycle times [...] to the calls of IecTaskCycle [...] Last Cycle Time (µs
CODESYS Development System
-consistent. In a task cycle [...] during a cycle of a task [...] during this time, then the task
. Cycle Time (µs) Cycle [...] to the configured cycle time [...] cycle time
the SMC_GetTravelTime [...] of the current task cycle [...] of the current task cycle
SMC_GetTravelTime [...] _BLOCK SMC_GetTravelTime [...] to the function block. SMC_FB_CALLED_FROM_WRONG_TASK
are available. taskCycleTime [...] Trj_SampleQueue_GetDynStateWithTimeOffset (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Trj_SampleQueue_GetDynStateWithTime
GetTime [...] _BLOCK GetTime [...] on the time zone. In
GetTime [...] _BLOCK GetTime [...] on the time zone (for
GetDateAndTime [...] _BLOCK GetDateAndTime [...] . It returns the time