Assert_Real_Greater [...] Assert_Real_Greater [...] is greater or equal
Assert_Byte_Greater [...] Assert_Byte_Greater : [...] is greater then the given
Assert_Byte_Greater [...] Assert_Byte_Greater [...] is greater or equal
Assert_DInt_Greater [...] Assert_DInt_Greater : [...] is greater then the given
Assert_DInt_Greater [...] Assert_DInt_Greater [...] is greater or equal
Assert_DWord_Greater [...] Assert_DWord_Greater : [...] is greater then the given
Assert_DWord_Greater [...] Assert_DWord_Greater [...] is greater or equal
PathElem_Id_IsGreater [...] PathElem_Id_IsGreater [...] Return PathElem_Id_IsGreater
Trj_Pos_GreaterEq (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION Trj_Pos_Greater [...] Trj_Pos_Greater
PathPosition_Greater [...] PathPosition_Greater [...] Position Return PathPosition_Greater