in an IPv4 TCP socket [...] _IEC_HANDLE Create a new socket and return the socket
/set protocol type SOCKET_TCP [...] to coalesce packets SOCKET_TCP [...] ^2 (deprecated) SOCKET_IPPROTO_TCP
) SOCKET_IPPROTO_TCP [...] : tcp SOCKET [...] connections alive. See RTS_SOCKET_SO_VALUE_TCP
_CONFIG_FAILED Creating TCP and UDP [...] _RECEIVE_FAILED Problem with sockets of TCP or UDP port
socket on a port [...] . Represents a TCP Server [...] socket and starts
to initialize the TCP socket TCP_READ_ERROR 2 [...] No error TCP
.IQueryInterface Allows the socket options for TCP_Server , TCP
RTS_SOCKET_SO_VALUE_TCP [...] be used to set socket [...] diLevel := SOCKET
client-side sockets [...] server-side sockets [...] client-side sockets
of this library. If TCP should be used use SysSocket [...] offers a socket like