Out: Name Type fV0 LREAL fV1 LREAL fA0 LREAL fA1 LREAL
* of an equation f(x) = 0, given [...] _0. The function f must [...] of f
differential equation T = T_xx*f_xx + T_x2*f_x^2 + T [...] for the acceleration f_xx. Sets
(Function) CeilF [...] (Function) FloorF [...] (Function) TruncateF
0: fSetPosition Bit1: fSetVelocity Bit2: f
transformation F to a position vector: vDst = F.mR * vPos + F.vT. Thus
2 ¶ TransformPaintRectangleInOutF (Method) TransformPointInOutF (Method) TransformPolygonF
that is not less than f. If f [...] , or NaN, then f [...] Type Input f LREAL
that is not greater than f. if f [...] , or NaN, then f [...] Type Input f LREAL
Type Comment f [...] factor fAcc LREAL [...] /deceleration factor fJerk LREAL