was acknowledged iOffsetLast INT [...] OffsetActive INT -1 The offset [...] OffsetInactive INT -1 The offset
of memory iSize INT bytes to read pDest POINTER
SelectedVisu : INT Will return [...] SelectedVisu INT Input st [...] ClientData POINTER TO Visu
Input pClDesc POINTER [...] descriptions iSize INT [...] Output iClCnt INT
GrpDesc POINTER TO ARRAY [0 [...] descriptions iSize INT [...] Output iGrpCnt INT
_pBitmapTable POINTER TO ARRAY [0 [...] _udiLastError UDINT g_iOffsetX INT g_iOffsetY INT g
pbyValue POINTER [...] OldValue POINTER TO BYTE pbyInstancePath POINTER TO BYTE tc
DataTrs POINTER TO BYTE Pointer [...] INT Error
NumOfAxes INT Axes designed [...] of the axes 2) a pointer to array of pointers
DataIn POINTER TO SMC [...] queue iVelMode SMC_INT