TaggedServiceWriter.WriteBytesSwapped (METH) ¶ METHOD WriteBytes [...] write the bytes
POINTER TO BYTE udiSize2 [...] 1 and String2 , interpreted [...] String1 POINTER TO BYTE udi
SIL2ExecuteNonSafetyJob_WRAP_INITIALIZE (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION SIL2 [...] Type Return SIL2
ID, which is 2 byte long *) x [...] The byte order of Ether [...] byte long value
_CIFX_GetFirmware WORD 16#4 EVTVERSION_CIFX_GetFirmware WORD 16#2 EVT [...] HilscherCIFX: Class Info, Evt ID 2
ITaggedServiceWriter2.WriteLWordSwapped (METH) ¶ METHOD Write [...] the given long word
ITaggedServiceWriter2.WriteDWordSwapped (METH) ¶ METHOD Write [...] the given double word
TypeDesc_Struct2_WithBaseTypeAndAttributes.GetAttributeByIndex_internal (METH) ¶ METHOD Get [...] wIndex WORD
_PACKET_HEADER_T byMacid BYTE abRes ARRAY [0..2] OF BYTE [...] Attribute UINT bGenErr BYTE b
Value POINTER TO BYTE Output wBufferSize WORD