CODESYS Development System
BYTE by Bit string [...] -bit STRING s Single-byte [...] type BYTE .
SMC_Token.SetString (METH) ¶ METHOD SetString [...] pbyString POINTER
string based on a byte [...] string or two-byte [...] CharBufferString
CharBufferString [...] of the buffer (in bytes), where the string is stored.
Visu_TypeString (ALIAS) ¶ TYPE Visu_TypeString : POINTER TO BYTE
byte string [...] CreateString [...] CreateString : IString
SMC_Token.GetString (METH) ¶ METHOD GetString [...] Type Output pbyString
StringFormat ¶ Byte_To_HexString (Function) DWord_To_HexString
different string types for "byte strings [...] is the handling of strings
CharBufferString [...] for storing the string In [...] Buffer POINTER TO BYTE