H libraryFile OPC UA Pub [...] OPC_UA_PubSub_SL Project OPC UA Pub
to the OPC UA server [...] OfNodesToRegister OpcUa_Int32 Number [...] NodesToRegister POINTER TO OpcUa
to the OPC UA server [...] OfNodesToUnregister OpcUa_Int32 Number [...] NodesToUnregister POINTER TO OpcUa
request to the OPC UA [...] NodesToWrite POINTER TO OpcUa [...] to write. numOfNodes OpcUa
_IEC_RESULT Delete an OPC UA [...] _IEC_HANDLE Hanlde of the OPC UA
of the strucutre. endpoint OpcUa [...] Name OpcUa
/Sub Configuration of an OPC UA [...] the diagnostic data of an OPC UA Application via
to an OPC UA server [...] ClientName STRING ‘CODESYS OPC UA [...] STRING := 'http://opcfoundation.org/UA
Logging ¶ OpcUaStatusCodeToString (Function)
BrowsePathsToNodeIds request to the OPC UA [...] OfBrowsePaths OpcUa_Int32 Number [...] BrowsePaths POINTER TO OpcUa