urgent seqId tyIEC61850_AT_INT [...] Configuration almStPos tyIEC61850_AT_INT [...] Tmms tyIEC61850_AT_INT
FirstPinchPosX1 INT X Point finger [...] FirstPinchPosY1 INT Y Point finger [...] FirstPinchPosX2 INT X Point finger
LastPinchPosX1 INT X Point finger [...] LastPinchPosY1 INT Y Point finger [...] LastPinchPosX2 INT X Point finger
_close : INT close a [...] unix_close INT Input sockfd INT
UntransformWidth : INT [...] UntransformWidth INT [...] Width INT A transformed
Status actVal tyIEC61850_AT_INT32 frVal tyIEC61850_AT_INT [...] IEC61850_AT_TimeStamp frPd tyIEC61850_AT_INT
Type Comment iX INT [...] X iY INT speed [...] Y iZ INT speed
..0] OF INT iElementCount INT ai [...] ..MAX_POSITION_DEPTH] OF INT [-1, -1, -1, -1
TouchRectRenderLocation INT touch rect [...] RenderLocation INT client specific [...] Pos INT yPos INT
TouchRectRenderLocation INT touch rect [...] RenderLocation INT client specific [...] Pos INT yPos INT