Maximum, 0 or 7 Value [...] , the corresponding output values [...] to their initial values. usi
VisuFbXYChartGenericVariableArray [...] _BLOCK VisuFbXYChartGenericVariableArray [...] of array, like curves
JSONBuilder.SetKeyWithArray (METH) ¶ METHOD SetKeyWithArray [...] element with an array
allocated arrays. In [...] TO ARRAY [0..0] OF Trend [...] TO ARRAY [0..0] OF Trend
Measurement instMag tyIEC61850_AT_AnalogueValue [...] IEC61850_AT_SCALEDVALCONFIG min_ tyIEC61850_AT_AnalogueValue max_ tyIEC61850_AT_AnalogueValue
by an array of POINTs, which include a set of X-values with their corresponding Y-values
from which the value shall [...] from which the value shall [...] from which the value shall
#FFFF The value should be set [...] #FFFF The value should be set [...] _uiMaxNumIRPCProvider UINT 8 Maximum
value in the array In [...] TO ARRAY [0..0] OF LINT [...] , as they are stored in an array
Constant PLACEHOLDER_VALUE [...] value used [...] . Example: If the maximum