IFrameManager.SwitchToVisuGlobally (METH) ¶ METHOD SwitchToVisuGlobally : INT Changes the shown visualization in a frame for some sorts of clients. All clients of the given type will switch to the given visualization. If no according visu is found, nothing will happen. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return SwitchToVisuGlobally INT Input clientsToChange Visu_ClientType This can be a combination of the values in the enumeration Visu_ClientType, all clients of this type will be switched to the given visu. stFramePath STRING(255) The identification of the frame that should be switched iIndex INT The Index of the visu that should be shown
IFrameManager.GetRegisteredFrames (METH) ¶ METHOD GetRegisteredFrames : INT Will return the number of framepaths that have been copied to the array InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return GetRegisteredFrames INT Input pDataResult POINTER TO ARRAY [0..VISU_MANFRAMES_MAXNUM] OF STRING(255) This array will be filled with all visualizations that are currently registered iSize INT The size of the array
IFrameManager.GetSelectedVisu (METH) ¶ METHOD GetSelectedVisu : INT Will return the index of the currently selected visualization or a negative value in case of an error InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return GetSelectedVisu INT Input stFramePath STRING(255) The path of the frame that should be handled pClientData POINTER TO VisuStructClientData The client whose frame information is requested
IFrameManager.GetVisuCount (METH) ¶ METHOD GetVisuCount : INT InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetVisuCount INT Input stFramePath STRING(255)
IFrameManager.UnregisterFrame (METH) ¶ METHOD UnregisterFrame : INT InOut: Scope Name Type Return UnregisterFrame INT Input stPath STRING(255)
IFrameManager2 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IFrameManager2 EXTENDS IFrameManager Methods: GetFrameByIndex GetSelectedVisuByIndex SwitchToVisu2 SwitchToVisuByIndex GetFrameCount , inherited from IFrameManager GetRegisteredFrames , inherited from IFrameManager GetSelectedVisu , inherited from IFrameManager GetVisuCount , inherited from IFrameManager GetVisuName , inherited from IFrameManager RegisterFrame , inherited from IFrameManager SwitchToVisu , inherited from IFrameManagerBase SwitchToVisuGlobally , inherited from IFrameManager UnregisterFrame , inherited from IFrameManager Structure: GetFrameByIndex (Method) GetSelectedVisuByIndex (Method) SwitchToVisu2 (Method) SwitchToVisuByIndex (Method)
IFrameManager2.GetFrameByIndex (METH) ¶ METHOD GetFrameByIndex : STRING Will return the frame based on the index InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return GetFrameByIndex STRING Input index INT The the internal array index of the frame that should be handled
IFrameManagerBase (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IFrameManagerBase EXTENDS __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface could be used by endusers too -> visible Methods: SwitchToVisu Structure: SwitchToVisu (Method)
IFrameManagerBase.SwitchToVisu (METH) ¶ METHOD SwitchToVisu : INT InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return SwitchToVisu INT Input stFramePath STRING(255) The path of the frame that should be handled @IECCodeConverter_Type: String pClientData POINTER TO VisuStructClientData The client whose frame content shall be changed iIndex INT the index of the visualization that should be selected
IGestureEventHandler (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IGestureEventHandler EXTENDS __SYSTEM.iQueryInterface Methods: HandleFlickGesture HandlePanGesture HandleSpreadPinchGesture Structure: HandleFlickGesture (Method) HandlePanGesture (Method) HandleSpreadPinchGesture (Method)