IRectangleListManager3 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IRectangleListManager3 EXTENDS IRectangleListManager2 Methods: AddContentRectTransformed AddContentRect , inherited from IRectangleListManager2 AddRectangle , inherited from IRectangleListManager AddRectangleTransformed , inherited from IRectangleListManager2 AddTouchRectRenderLocationInfo , inherited from IRectangleListManager2 AddZoomScrollLimits , inherited from IRectangleListManager ForwardCall , inherited from IRectangleListManager ForwardCallWithMouseDownInfo , inherited from IRectangleListManager PopClipping , inherited from IRectangleListManager PushClipping , inherited from IRectangleListManager PushClippingTransformed , inherited from IRectangleListManager2 SetUpdateNecessary , inherited from IRectangleListManager Structure: AddContentRectTransformed (Method)
IRectangleListManager3.AddContentRectTransformed (METH) ¶ METHOD AddContentRectTransformed : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return AddContentRectTransformed BOOL Input rect CmpVisuHandler.VisuStructSimpleRectangle transform BOOL
IRectangleListManager4 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IRectangleListManager4 EXTENDS IRectangleListManager3 Methods: AddLargeScrollLimits AddContentRect , inherited from IRectangleListManager2 AddContentRectTransformed , inherited from IRectangleListManager3 AddRectangle , inherited from IRectangleListManager AddRectangleTransformed , inherited from IRectangleListManager2 AddTouchRectRenderLocationInfo , inherited from IRectangleListManager2 AddZoomScrollLimits , inherited from IRectangleListManager ForwardCall , inherited from IRectangleListManager ForwardCallWithMouseDownInfo , inherited from IRectangleListManager PopClipping , inherited from IRectangleListManager PushClipping , inherited from IRectangleListManager PushClippingTransformed , inherited from IRectangleListManager2 SetUpdateNecessary , inherited from IRectangleListManager Structure: AddLargeScrollLimits (Method)
IRectangleListManager4.AddLargeScrollLimits (METH) ¶ METHOD AddLargeScrollLimits InOut: Scope Name Type Input maxHorizontalScrollValue DINT maxVerticalScrollValue DINT curHorizontalScrollValue DINT curVerticalScrollValue DINT
IRectangleProvider (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IRectangleProvider A visualization element (IVisualElement) can optionally implement this interface too if it needs to pass rectangles to the currently handled visualization client. Elements that handle nested elements (like groups, frames etc.) should implement this interface at least to forward according calls to their “child” elements. Methods: AddRectangles Structure: AddRectangles (Method)
ISelectionManager.SelectionLook (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY SelectionLook : VisuStructElementLook
ISelectionManager2 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ISelectionManager2 EXTENDS ISelectionManager Extension of the selection manager. It allows to add or remove a listener to the selection manager. The listener of type ISelectionManagerListener will be notified when the selection changes. Properties: EnabledSelectionType , inherited from ISelectionManager FrameOffset , inherited from ISelectionManager SelectionColors , inherited from ISelectionManager SelectionLook , inherited from ISelectionManager Methods: AddListener RemoveListener DoSelectedAction , inherited from ISelectionManager ResetSelection , inherited from ISelectionManager SelectElement , inherited from ISelectionManager SelectElementAt , inherited from ISelectionManager SelectNextElement , inherited from ISelectionManager Structure: AddListener (Method) RemoveListener (Method)
ISelectionManager2.AddListener (METH) ¶ METHOD AddListener : INT Adds a listener. The returnvalue is the id of the listener. Or -1, if the listener couldn’t be added. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return AddListener INT Input itfListener ISelectionManagerListener The listener instance to add
ISelectionManager2.RemoveListener (METH) ¶ METHOD RemoveListener : BOOL Removes the listener again. Returns true on success. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return RemoveListener BOOL Input iID INT the id of the listener, to remove
ISelectionManagerListener (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ISelectionManagerListener EXTENDS __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface Functionblocks implementing this interface can be notified by the selection manager on change of the selection of elements by key-usage. Therefore the listener had to be added to the selection manager (see ISelectionManager2). Methods: SelectionChanged Structure: SelectionChanged (Method)