.</description> InOut: Scope Name [...] TimestampUtc DWORD Inout pdw
in simulation mode InOut [...] Storage STORAGE_TYPE Inout s
this library InOut: Scope [...] AddressResolving UDINT Inout ds
TO LWORD InOut: Scope [...] FctEventIdStackGetValuePtrFromEvent2 POINTER TO LWORD Inout
TO LWORD InOut: Scope [...] FctEventIdStackGetValuePtrFromEventLegacy POINTER TO LWORD Inout
BOOL InOut: Scope [...] ElemBase.VisuFbAnalyzeTextVars Inout cell VisuFbElemSimple
Dlg_Process.. functions InOut: Scope [...] CheckInitForExponential BOOL Inout b
values InOut: Scope [...] DWORD Inout b
in any coordinate system. InOut: Scope Name Type Inout
if counting fails. InOut: Scope Name Type Inout