ITimestampTraverserClient (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ITimestampTraverserClient This interface must be implemented by function blocks, that use the TrendFbTimestampTraverser function block to traverse the timestamps of data read from CmpTraceMgr Methods: NextTimestampReached ProcessVariableForTimestamp Structure: NextTimestampReached (Method) ProcessVariableForTimestamp (Method)
ITimestampTraverserClient.NextTimestampReached (METH) ¶ METHOD NextTimestampReached Notfication, that the traversal reached the next timestamp. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input storageRowInfo TrendStructStorageRowInfo This parameter provides information about the timestamp Output xSkipWriteValues BOOL
ITimestampTraverserClient.ProcessVariableForTimestamp (METH) ¶ METHOD ProcessVariableForTimestamp Notfication for ITimestampTraverserClient instance, that a variable for the current timestamp has to be processed. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input itfTraceMgrVariable ITraceMgrVariable The ITraceMgrVariable for which the variable value belongs to iRecordIndex INT The 0 relative index of the ITraceMgrVariable within all variables pbyByte POINTER TO BYTE Points to the corresponding location in memory, where the data (i.e. the variable value) is located.
ITrendRecording (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ITrendRecording EXTENDS __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface This interface is implemented by function blocks, that can be registered in the function block TrendFbTrendRecordingManager and that perform the trend recording. Properties: RecordingTimespan State Methods: CyclicCall GetInitializeVersion GetPacketName GetTrendStorageWriter Initialize RegisterTrendRecording Structure: CyclicCall (Method) GetInitializeVersion (Method) GetPacketName (Method) GetTrendStorageWriter (Method) Initialize (Method) RecordingTimespan (Property) RegisterTrendRecording (Method) State (Property)
ITrendRecording.CyclicCall (METH) ¶ METHOD CyclicCall : UDINT This method has to be cyclically to store the recorded values in the trend storage. The return value contains the error code. InOut: Scope Name Type Return CyclicCall UDINT
ITrendRecording.GetInitializeVersion (METH) ¶ METHOD GetInitializeVersion : UDINT This method returns a value, that can be used to determine, whether an online change has been executed. InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetInitializeVersion UDINT
ITrendRecording.GetPacketName (METH) ¶ METHOD GetPacketName : POINTER TO STRING Returns a pointer to a string containing the packet name of the trace mgr packet, that is stored in the trend storage. InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetPacketName POINTER TO STRING
ITrendRecording.GetTrendStorageWriter (METH) ¶ METHOD GetTrendStorageWriter : ITrendStorageWriter Returns the underlying ITrendStorageWriter instance, that writes the data to the trend storage InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetTrendStorageWriter ITrendStorageWriter
ITrendRecording.Initialize (METH) ¶ METHOD Initialize InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input udiRecordingTimespan UDINT The configured timespan between two recordings udiCountCyclesToStore UDINT Contains the number of cycles, that have to be stored in memory before writing the data to the trend storage udiBufferEntries UDINT The number of samples, that the trace in the runtime system holds udiMaxRecordCount UDINT If this parameter has a value != 0 it indicates the maximum number of records, that will be stored in the trend storage. In case of 0 no limit exists. itfTrendRootPageManager ITrendRootPageManager An already initialized instance of ITrendRootPageManager, that is able to provide the root pages for tables and indexes
ITrendRecording.RecordingTimespan (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY RecordingTimespan : UDINT