ITrendRecording.RegisterTrendRecording (METH) ¶ METHOD RegisterTrendRecording Registers the trend recording at the global trend recording manager. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input itfTraceMgrPacket ITraceMgrPacket An instance of ITraceMgrPacket describing the packet to create in the runtime system pArrItfTraceMgrVariables POINTER TO ARRAY [0..0] OF ITraceMgrVariable The POINTER to the array ITraceMgrVariable instances representing the configuration of the variables to trace. The effective number of variables is passed with method Initialize iCountVariables INT The effective number of variables of the array above psApplication POINTER TO STRING Points to a string containing the name of the application sBufferSizeManagerKey STRING A string, that acts as a key to determine the buffer size of the trace mgr packet using the TrendFbBufferSizeManager udiDefaultBufferSize UDINT The default buffer size to use if the key is not found udiStoreEveryNMilliseconds UDINT Store the locally buffered every N millisecond to the trend storage udiMaxRecordCount UDINT This parameter contains the maximum number of records, that will be stored in the trend storage. In case of 0 no limit exists
ITrendRecording.State (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY State : ETrendRecordingState
ITrendRecording2 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE ITrendRecording2 EXTENDS ITrendRecording Extension of interface ITrendRecording Properties: TraceMgrPacketStruct RecordingTimespan , inherited from ITrendRecording State , inherited from ITrendRecording Methods: Initialize2 RegisterTrendRecording2 CyclicCall , inherited from ITrendRecording GetInitializeVersion , inherited from ITrendRecording GetPacketName , inherited from ITrendRecording GetTrendStorageWriter , inherited from ITrendRecording Initialize , inherited from ITrendRecording RegisterTrendRecording , inherited from ITrendRecording Structure: Initialize2 (Method) RegisterTrendRecording2 (Method) TraceMgrPacketStruct (Property)
IRowIdIterator (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IRowIdIterator This interface is implemented by function blocks, that are able to iterate through a given set of row IDs. Methods: GetNextRowId GetSavedState HasNextRowId HasSavedState Initialize SaveState Structure: GetNextRowId (Method) GetSavedState (Method) HasNextRowId (Method) HasSavedState (Method) Initialize (Method) SaveState (Method)
IRowIdIterator.GetNextRowId (METH) ¶ METHOD GetNextRowId : LINT Returns the next row id to use. Before this method can be used, method Initialize has to be called. InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetNextRowId LINT
IRowIdIterator.GetSavedState (METH) ¶ METHOD GetSavedState : LINT This method should be only used if method HasSavedState returns TRUE. It returns the timestamp, that was passed to method SaveState. InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetSavedState LINT
IRowIdIterator.HasNextRowId (METH) ¶ METHOD HasNextRowId : BOOL This method indicates, whether GetNextRowId can be called in order to obtain the next row id. In this case the return value is TRUE InOut: Scope Name Type Return HasNextRowId BOOL
IRowIdIterator.HasSavedState (METH) ¶ METHOD HasSavedState : BOOL This method is used in conjunction with method SaveState. Indicates, whether SaveState has been called with a valid row id. InOut: Scope Name Type Return HasSavedState BOOL
IRowIdIterator.Initialize (METH) ¶ METHOD Initialize Initializes this instance for a new iteration through the row ids. InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input idRowTblTrendDataFrom LINT The row id of the 1st row, that corresponds to the “from” timestamp idRowTblTrendDataTo LINT The row id of the last row, that corresponds to the “to” timestamp
IRowIdIterator.SaveState (METH) ¶ METHOD SaveState This method takes the last processed row ID and allows us to continue a reading process later InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input liLastProcessedRowID LINT The last processed row ID liTimestamp LINT The timestamp, that was read at the last read row ID