referenceValue DINT The reference value actual [...] the value of the library
referenceValue LDATE_AND_TIME The reference value actual [...] the value of the library
referenceValue LTIME_OF_DAY The reference value actual [...] the value of the library
referenceValue DT The reference value actual [...] the value of the library
referenceValue STRING(Constants.MAX_STRING_LENGTH) The reference value actual [...] the value of the library
referenceValue TOD The reference value actual [...] the value of the library
referenceArray POINTER TO BOOL The reference [...] the value of the library
the value of the library [...] as WSTRING wsReference [...] (Constants.WSTRING_LENGTH) The reference value
referenceArray POINTER TO STRING The reference [...] the value of the library
referenceArray POINTER TO WSTRING The reference [...] the value of the library