Endpoint (200 = 0xC8 [...] AlarmPayloadLength UINT 16#C8 CommFB.MaxAlarmDataLength(198) + 2 Byte USI =
0xC0_TPDU_SIZE BYTE 16#0D = 8192, 16#0C = 4096, 16#0B = 2048, 16#0A =
by the following equation: y = a
Value = 16#0102 = 2#00000001 00000010 -> byLowByte = 16#02 byHighByte =
DataItemSize = 8) or adressed [...] ” size in bit, 1 or 8 [...] DataItemSize = 1).
error 8 = Datahold [...] PNIOStatus = 0 xBusy BOOL PNIOStatus = 1 xError BOOL
Destination [8] = TRUE ax [...] axDestination[8] … [...] NumberofBytes = 2 ax
by the following equation: y = a
the following equation [...] 0 * alpha + b1 = 0
#F5 abyDigest [8] = 16 [...] abyDigest [0] = 16#D1 abyDigest [1] = 16