IDialogManager7.getPaintAfterAllOpen (METH) ¶ METHOD getPaintAfterAllOpen : IPAADialog InOut: Scope Name Type Return getPaintAfterAllOpen IPAADialog
IDialogManager2.CheckEventQueue (METH) ¶ METHOD CheckEventQueue : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return CheckEventQueue BOOL
IDialogManager2.CloseDialog2 (METH) ¶ METHOD CloseDialog2 : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return CloseDialog2 BOOL Input dialog IVisualisationDialog pClient POINTER TO VisuStructClientData DialogFlags DWORD
IDialogManager3 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IDialogManager3 EXTENDS IDialogManager2 Methods: CollectRectangles HasOpenModalDialog CheckEventQueue , inherited from IDialogManager2 CloseDialog2 , inherited from IDialogManager2 Structure: CollectRectangles (Method) HasOpenModalDialog (Method)
IDialogManager3.CollectRectangles (METH) ¶ METHOD CollectRectangles : IVisualisationDialog This method collects the (touch-) rectangles that are currently active. InOut: Scope Name Type Return CollectRectangles IVisualisationDialog
IPaintAfterAllRectangleProvider (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IPaintAfterAllRectangleProvider EXTENDS IPaintAfterAll This interface is the equivalent to IRectangleProvider which will be called for paint after all elements when these are open. The interface can be implemented optionally too by functionbloxk implementing IPaintAfterAll Methods: PAAAddRectangles PAAClose , inherited from IPaintAfterAll PAAgetSize , inherited from IPaintAfterAll PAAgetSurroundingRect , inherited from IPaintAfterAll PAAgetUpdateRects , inherited from IPaintAfterAll PAAhandleInputBefore , inherited from IPaintAfterAll PAApaintAfterAll , inherited from IPaintAfterAll Structure: PAAAddRectangles (Method)
IPaintAfterAllRectangleProvider.PAAAddRectangles (METH) ¶ METHOD PAAAddRectangles : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return PAAAddRectangles BOOL Input mgr IRectangleListManager
IPaintAfterAllSelection.HandlePAASelection (METH) ¶ METHOD HandlePAASelection : DWORD InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return HandlePAASelection DWORD Input pClientData POINTER TO VisuStructClientData The current client data pCurrentSelectionData POINTER TO Visu_StructSelectionData The current selection data pNewSelectionData POINTER TO Visu_StructSelectionData The new selection data dwSelectionType DWORD The selection type dwGroupType DWORD The group type pPosition POINTER TO ARRAY [0..9] OF INT The position to select iVisualElement IVisualElement The visual element to select iElemIndex INT The current element index iElemId INT The current element id iPositionIndex INT The current position in the position array
IPaintAfterAllSelection (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IPaintAfterAllSelection Methods: HandlePAASelection Structure: HandlePAASelection (Method)
IProvidesContainerSize (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IProvidesContainerSize Methods: SetContainerSize Structure: SetContainerSize (Method)