IRectangleListManager2.AddRectangleTransformed (METH) ¶ METHOD AddRectangleTransformed : DINT InOut: Scope Name Type Return AddRectangleTransformed DINT Input flags VisuEnumRectangleFlags rect CmpVisuHandler.VisuStructSimpleRectangle transform BOOL
IRectangleListManager2.AddTouchRectRenderLocationInfo (METH) ¶ METHOD AddTouchRectRenderLocationInfo : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return AddTouchRectRenderLocationInfo BOOL Input iTouchRectRenderLocation INT touch rect specific render location index iRenderLocation INT client specific render location index lockHorizontal BOOL lockVertical BOOL xPos INT yPos INT
IPaintAfterAll2.PAAGetTouchContentSurroundingRect (METH) ¶ METHOD PAAGetTouchContentSurroundingRect : VisuStructSimpleRectangle InOut: Scope Name Type Return PAAGetTouchContentSurroundingRect VisuStructSimpleRectangle
IPaintAfterAll2.PAAInitialize (METH) ¶ METHOD PAAInitialize : BOOL InOut: Scope Name Type Return PAAInitialize BOOL Input parentVisu IVisualisation
IPaintAfterAllOwningElement (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IPaintAfterAllOwningElement EXTENDS __SYSTEM.IQueryInterface Properties: OwningElement Structure: OwningElement (Property)
IPaintAfterAllOwningElement.OwningElement (PROP) ¶ PROPERTY OwningElement : IVisualElement
IPaintAfterAll.PAAhandleInputBefore (METH) ¶ METHOD PAAhandleInputBefore : BOOL Executes the HandleInput that have to be done before all other elements get the HandleInput InOut: Scope Name Type Return PAAhandleInputBefore BOOL Input pEvent POINTER TO VisuStructEvent
IPaintAfterAll.PAApaintAfterAll (METH) ¶ METHOD PAApaintAfterAll : BOOL Executes the drawing commands that have to be done after all other elements have been painted InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return PAApaintAfterAll BOOL Input dwFlags DWORD variables to give information about the current drawing context
IPaintAfterAll2 (ITF) ¶ INTERFACE IPaintAfterAll2 EXTENDS IPaintAfterAll Methods: PAAGetTouchContentSurroundingRect PAAInitialize PAAClose , inherited from IPaintAfterAll PAAgetSize , inherited from IPaintAfterAll PAAgetSurroundingRect , inherited from IPaintAfterAll PAAgetUpdateRects , inherited from IPaintAfterAll PAAhandleInputBefore , inherited from IPaintAfterAll PAApaintAfterAll , inherited from IPaintAfterAll Structure: PAAGetTouchContentSurroundingRect (Method) PAAInitialize (Method)
IPaintAfterAll.PAAgetSize (METH) ¶ METHOD PAAgetSize : CmpVisuHandler.VisuStructPoint InOut: Scope Name Type Return PAAgetSize CmpVisuHandler.VisuStructPoint