) Helpfunctions TraceFctGetVariableName (Function) TraceFctGetVariableName
variable given the variable name. InOut: Scope Name Type
SplitHugeVariables SymbolicName Variable [...] (Property) SplitHugeVariables
TextIDRead DisplayVariableName [...] WarningThresholdRead VariableName [...] TextIDRead (Method) DisplayVariableName
SplitHugeVariables SymbolicName Variable [...] (Property) SplitHugeVariables
from IRecipeDefinition2 GetRecipeVariableName [...] RecipeValuesSizeOf GetRecipeVariable
Definition2 (Interface) GetRecipeVariableCount (Method) GetRecipeVariableName
61850_ENUM_MMS_OBJECTCLASS : InOut: Name Initial MMS_OC_NamedVariable [...] _OC_ScatteredAccess MMS_OC_NamedVariable
. Here the name of the variable [...] Types.RTS_IEC_RESULT InOut: Scope Name [...] The symbolic name
, if the variable name is not set, or if the variable type [...] Out: Scope Name Type