public ¶ AlarmSelectionInfo (Struct) AlarmSelectionInfoDefault (FunctionBlock) FB_Init (Method)
AlarmSelectionInfo (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE AlarmSelectionInfo : STRUCT The alarm selection info can be used to get all information about the selected alarm in an alarmtable. InOut: Name Type Comment sAlarmGroup STRING uiAlarmID UINT timeStampActive SYSTIMEDATE timeStampInactive SYSTIMEDATE timeStampAcknowledge SYSTIMEDATE timeStampLast SYSTIMEDATE paLatchVariables POINTER TO ARRAY [0..9] OF AlarmManager.ValueTypeBundle Latch variables. The array must be initialized with the correct number. iLatchVariablesCount INT The array size of paLatchVariables, f.e. [0..9] –> iLatchVariablesCount := 10 papwsAlarmMessages POINTER TO ARRAY [0..9] OF POINTER TO WSTRING Messages. The array must be initialized with the correct number. All messages are provided as WSTRING; dwAlarmMessageTextBufferSize DWORD The buffer size, f.e. SIZEOF(WSTRING) iAlarmMessagesCount INT The array size of papwsAlarmMessages, f.e. [0..9] –> iAlarmMessagesCount := 10 iSelectionChangedCounter INT This variable is incremented when the selection is changed. It can be used to react on the selection change in the application. dwCommentBufferSize DWORD The buffer size for alarm comments. dwCommentUserIdBufferSize DWORD The buffer size for alarm comment user ids. commentActive AlarmComment AlarmComment structure containing the comment and user id for the ‘Active’ state. commentActiveAck AlarmComment AlarmComment structure containing the comment and user id for the ‘ActiveAcknowledged’ state. commentWaitingConf AlarmComment AlarmComment structure containing the comment and user id for the ‘WaitingForConfirmation’ state. commentNormal AlarmComment AlarmComment structure containing the comment and user id for the ‘Normal’ state.
AlarmSelectionInfoDefault (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK AlarmSelectionInfoDefault InOut: Scope Name Type Output AlarmSelectionInfo AlarmSelectionInfo Methods: FB_Init Structure: FB_Init (Method)
GetCurrentUtcOffset (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION GetCurrentUtcOffset : INT Determines the offset of the current time to the utc time InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetCurrentUtcOffset INT
GetUnitTestStatus (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION GetUnitTestStatus : EnumUnitTest InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetUnitTestStatus EnumUnitTest
IsTimeExpired (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION IsTimeExpired : BOOL test if a time is expired InOut: Scope Name Type Return IsTimeExpired BOOL Input tTimeStart TIME tLimit TIME id INT
LogManager (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION LogManager Log something InOut: Scope Name Type Input sSide STRING sVal1 STRING(255) sVal2 STRING(255) sVal3 STRING(255) udiSev UDINT
UTC_TO_DT (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION UTC_TO_DT : DATE_AND_TIME This function converts “UTC” value to “DT” (UTC value). InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return UTC_TO_DT DT Input tsValue ULINT Value to convert
WriteCfgThumb (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION WriteCfgThumb : RTS_IEC_RESULT InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Return WriteCfgThumb RTS_IEC_RESULT Input sCertThumb STRING Local certificate thumb sCertThumbPeer STRING Peer certificate thumb pbThumbNew POINTER TO ARRAY [0..(GVL_CONSTANT.THUMB_SIZE - 1)] OF BYTE Certificate thumbprint pbThumbPeerNew POINTER TO ARRAY [0..(GVL_CONSTANT.THUMB_SIZE - 1)] OF BYTE Certificate thumbprint
GVL_CONSTANT (GVL) ¶ Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Scope Name Type Initial Comment Constant CLIENT_NAME STRING ‘VisuRedundCLIENT’ Client name SERVER_NAME STRING ‘VisuRedundSERVER’ Server name LIB_NAME STRING ‘VisuRedund’ Library name CLIENT_SIDE STRING ‘(Client)’ Used in log SERVER_SIDE STRING ‘(Server)’ used in log VISUOPQUEUE STRING ‘(VisuOpQueue)’ used in log PERSISTENCE STRING ‘(Persistence)’ used in log GENERAL STRING ‘(Visu_redund)’ used in log LINE_TCP INT 0 Use TCP LINE_MAX INT LINE_TCP LINE_UDP : INT := 1; // Use UDP (future implementation ?) MAX_CLIENT_HANDLING INT 20 Max client to handle in one shot MAX_VARCHG_HANDLING INT 20 Max variable change in one shot INVALID_EXTERNAL_ID DWORD 16#FFFFFFFF CMD_PEER_IPV4 DWORD (VisuElemBase.Visu_Paint_Cmds_Globals.VISU_CMD_REDUNDANCY_START + 0) Commands used in the “paint buffer” to send parameters to web client CMD_TICKET DWORD (VisuElemBase.Visu_Paint_Cmds_Globals.VISU_CMD_REDUNDANCY_START + 1) CMD_REDUND_ID DWORD (VisuElemBase.Visu_Paint_Cmds_Globals.VISU_CMD_REDUNDANCY_START + 2) INIT_ACTIVITIES_DONE TIME TIME#3s0ms INIT_ACTIVITIES_DONE_MAX TIME TIME#10s0ms TAG_SIZE INT 3 THUMB_SIZE INT 20 THUMB_STRING_SIZE INT (THUMB_SIZE * 2) SECT_NAME STRING ‘VisuRedundancy’ Entries in cfg file SECT_ENTRY_LINE STRING ‘LineType’ SECT_ENTRY_CMDREP STRING ‘CmdRepeat’ SECT_ENTRY_RCV_TOUT_CL STRING ‘ClientRcvTimeout’ SECT_ENTRY_TRS_TOUT_CL STRING ‘ClientTrsTimeout’ SECT_ENTRY_RCV_TOUT_SV STRING ‘ServerRcvTimeout’ SECT_ENTRY_TRS_TOUT_SV STRING ‘ServerTrsTimeout’ SECT_ENTRY_HBT STRING ‘HeartBeatTime’ SECT_ENTRY_WEB_TOUT STRING ‘WebVisuCmdTimeout’ SECT_NAME_TCP STRING ‘VisuRedundancyTCP’ SECT_TCP_USE_PEER STRING ‘UseRedundParam’ SECT_TCP_IP_SO STRING ‘IpAddressSwitchOver’ SECT_TCP_PORT_SO STRING ‘PortSwitchOver’ SECT_TCP_CONNLBTOUT STRING ‘ConnLineBreakTimeout’ SECT_TCP_CONNACTTOUT STRING ‘ConnActiveTimeout’ SECT_TCP_TLS STRING ‘UseTLS’ SECT_TCP_CERTTHUMB STRING ‘Thumbprint’ SECT_TCP_CERTTHUMB_PEER STRING ‘ThumbprintPeer’ SECT_TCP_CERTTHUMB_OLD STRING ‘ThumbprintOLD’ SECT_TCP_CERTTHUMB_PEER_OLD STRING ‘ThumbprintPeerOLD’ SECT_ENTRY_IP_LOCAL STRING ‘Link1.IpAddressLocal’ SECT_ENTRY_IP_PEER STRING ‘Link1.IpAddressPeer’ SECT_ENTRY_TCP_PORT STRING ‘Link1.Port’ SECT_ENTRY_PLC_IDENT STRING ‘PlcIdent’ SECT_ENTRY_TIMEOUT STRING ‘StandbyWaitTime’ COMP_REDUND_NAME STRING ‘CmpRedundancyConnectionIP’ COMP_REDUND_NAME2 STRING ‘CmpRedundancy’ TIME_CHECK_CERT TIME TIME#1m0s0ms How often check if the certificate renew has to be done TIME_CHECK_CERT_IN_TEST TIME TIME#2s0ms when is running under test condition STATE_NO INT 0 States of certificate renewal STATE_RENEW INT 1 Renew STATE_RENEW_DONE INT 2 Renew STATE_CFG INT 3 Write config file STATE_ACK INT 4 Ack with server STATE_BOOT INT 5 boot new TLS session STTLS_BOOT_NO INT 0 States of TLS boot STTLS_BOOT INT 1 boot new TLS session STTLS_BOOT_WAIT INT 2 wait the boot condition STTLS_BOOT_SET INT 3 set the new certificate