GetTextProperty (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION GetTextProperty : WSTRING This function has been automatically generated from the project information. InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetTextProperty WSTRING Input stKey WSTRING
GetTextProperty2 (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION GetTextProperty2 : POINTER TO WSTRING This function has been automatically generated from the project information. InOut: Scope Name Type Return GetTextProperty2 POINTER TO WSTRING Input stKey WSTRING
CompareString (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION CompareString : INT Case sensitive comparison of two strings Return values: 0 -> the strings are equal -1 -> ps1 is less than ps2 1 -> ps1 is larger than ps2 InOut: Scope Name Type Return CompareString INT Input ps1 POINTER TO STRING ps2 POINTER TO STRING
CompareWString (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION CompareWString : INT Case sensitive comparison of two strings Return values: 0 -> the strings are equal -1 -> pw1 is less than pw2 1 -> pw1 is larger than pw2 InOut: Scope Name Type Return CompareWString INT Input pw1 POINTER TO WSTRING pw2 POINTER TO WSTRING
HashCodeFromString (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION HashCodeFromString : UDINT Calculates the hashcode of STRING psIn. InOut: Scope Name Type Return HashCodeFromString UDINT Input psIn POINTER TO STRING
HashCodeFromWString (FUN) ¶ FUNCTION HashCodeFromWString : UDINT Calculates the hashcode of WSTRING pwIn. InOut: Scope Name Type Return HashCodeFromWString UDINT Input pwIn POINTER TO WSTRING
GlobalVariables ¶ Variables (GVL)
Variables (GVL) ¶ Attributes: qualified_only InOut: Name Type Initial Comment g_LockWaitTime SYSTIME 300 Lock wait time in micro seconds g_NullElement NullElement Null element
Interfaces ¶ Collections ICollection (Interface) AddElement (Method) ContainsElement (Method) CountElements (Method) ElementIterator (Method) RemoveAllElements (Method) RemoveElement (Method) IContainsValue (Interface) ContainsValue (Method) IDoubleLinkedList (Interface) RemoveFirstElement (Method) RemoveLastElement (Method) IDoubleLinkedList2 (Interface) SafeElementIterator (Method) IList (Interface) GetElementAt (Method) GetElementPosition (Method) InsertElementAt (Method) RemoveElementAt (Method) SetElementAt (Method) IList2 (Interface) IList3 (Interface) SafeElementIterator (Method) IMap (Interface) AddKeyValuePair (Method) ContainsKey (Method) CountKeys (Method) GetElementByKey (Method) Keys (Method) RemoveByKey (Method) Values (Method) IMap2 (Interface) RemoveAllElements (Method) IMap3 (Interface) SafeKeys (Method) SafeValues (Method) IQueue (Interface) Peek (Method) Poll (Method) IQueue2 (Interface) IQueue3 (Interface) SafeElementIterator (Method) ISortedList (Interface) AddElementWithoutSorting (Method) Sort (Method) ISortedList2 (Interface) ISortedList3 (Interface) SafeElementIterator (Method) IStack (Interface) Peek (Method) Pop (Method) IStack2 (Interface) IStack3 (Interface) SafeElementIterator (Method) ITreeNode (Interface) AddChild (Method) Children (Method) ContainsChild (Method) CountChildren (Method) MoveNode (Method) Parent (Method) RemoveChild (Method) RootNode (Method) ITreeNode2 (Interface) SafeChildren (Method) Elements IBoolElement (Interface) BoolValue (Property) IDintElement (Interface) DintValue (Property) IElement (Interface) ElementCompareTo (Method) ElementEquals (Method) ElementHashCode (Method) IIntElement (Interface) IntValue (Property) ILintElement (Interface) LintValue (Property) INullElement (Interface) IOnlineChangeSafeLinkedListElement (Interface) ObjectReference (Property) UpdateElement (Method) IStringElement (Interface) StringValue (Property) ITimeElement (Interface) TimeValue (Property) IUdintElement (Interface) UdintValue (Property) IUintElement (Interface) UintValue (Property) IUlintElement (Interface) UlintValue (Property) IWStringElement (Interface) WStringValue (Property) Helper ILockable (Interface) Lock (Method) LockWaitTime (Property) ReleaseLock (Method) Iterators IIterator (Interface) HasNext (Method) Next (Method) ILinkedListIterator (Interface) FirstObjectReference (Property) ModCounter (Property) IListIterator (Interface) ElementArray (Property) ElementArraySize (Property) ModCounter (Property) ISafeIterator (Interface) LockableCollection (Property) ModCounter (Property) Next (Method) ISafeLinkedListIterator (Interface) FirstObjectReference (Property) ISafeListIterator (Interface) ElementArray (Property) ElementArraySize (Property)
HashTable (FB) ¶ FUNCTION_BLOCK FINAL HashTable EXTENDS FBF.InstanceBase IMPLEMENTS IMap3 , IModCounter, ILockable HashTable of IElements InOut: Scope Name Type Comment Input Const paElements POINTER TO KeyValuePair Array of key value pairs. This array represents the ‘hash table’. Size: udiMaxElements paLinkedElements POINTER TO KeyValuePair Array of key value pairs. This array is used to store key values pairs with collisions. Size: udiMaxElements paIteratorElements POINTER TO IElement Array of IElements for the Iterator. Size: udiMaxElements udiMaxElements UDINT Maximum size of paElements and paIteratorElements Properties: LockWaitTime Methods: AddKeyValuePair ContainsKey CountKeys ElementCompareTo ElementEquals ElementHashCode GetElementByKey Keys RemoveAllElements RemoveByKey SafeKeys SafeValues Values Structure: AddKeyValuePair (Method) ContainsKey (Method) CountKeys (Method) ElementCompareTo (Method) ElementEquals (Method) ElementHashCode (Method) GetElementByKey (Method) Keys (Method) LockWaitTime (Property) RemoveAllElements (Method) RemoveByKey (Method) SafeKeys (Method) SafeValues (Method) Values (Method)