Concepts In CODESYS Safety Extension , not all of those concepts are automatically available which can be used in standard CODESYS project development. Not available in CODESYS Safety Extension : Prog
Device Management Tip If device descriptions were installed with standard CODESYS without a safety extension, then they cannot be used in CODESYS Safety Extension . The respective device descriptions
Global Variable List (Safety) The Safety Global Variable List (GVL) serves the representation, declaration and editing of globally declared variables which are valid within the entire safety applicati
Library Manager The libraries that are usable by the safety application are managed in the library manager. The list of the libraries originates from the device description of the safety controller, w
SM3 [...] Company 3S - Smart [...] H Title SM3
ExampleFancoil3 [...] _BLOCK ExampleFancoil3 [...] in ExampleFancoil3
SM3 [...] : SM3 [...] H Placeholder : SM3
DNP3_DataCallbacks_AnalogOutput (STRUCT) ¶ TYPE DNP3 [...] _anlgOutGetDescription POINTER TO BYTE ADR(DNP3