CODESYS Development System
should not be changed, then strings which are encoded Latin-1 format [...] -16 format internally
(Method) VisuFbAnalyzeDateTimeFormatString [...] HandleSameChars (Method) VisuFbAnalyzeDateTimeFormatString [...] TimestampUTCToLocal (Function) GetHoursIn12hFormat
. Internationalization (format strings [...] the format string As a [...] >.<ID> A format string
placeholder %<format string [...] . Texts Text String
to this string. In this case [...] string from the string [...] file (format: *.ico
placeholder %<format string [...] Text String (without [...] Text format .
placeholder %<format string [...] Tooltip String (without
and time format pattern [...] CHECKED_OMIT g_sDateFormat STRING ‘dd
placeholder %<format string [...] Text String (without [...] Text format .
placeholder %<format string [...] identifier as string [...] Texts Tooltip String