CODESYS Development System
types, or arrays [...] an array of type [...] Example Array ( DWORD )
TypeDesc_VarLenArray [...] _BLOCK TypeDesc_VarLenArray [...] Desc Properties: MethodCallTypeIndex
TypeDesc_Array [...] _BLOCK TypeDesc_Array [...] Desc Properties: MethodCallTypeIndex
Array [...] FbAnalyzeParameter Inout diStartIndex DINT diEndIndex DINT
VisuFbXYChartGenericVariableArray [...] value with index [...] if the index is in the range
VisuFbXYChartGenericVariableArray [...] as REAL with index [...] if the index is in the range
IBACnetARRAY7_of_BACnetDailySchedule.UpdateElement (METH) ¶ METHOD [...] index. InOut: Scope
IBACnetARRAY7_of_BACnetDailySchedule.GetElement (METH) ¶ METHOD Get [...] with the given index
TypeDesc_Array [...] _BLOCK TypeDesc_Array_ByteAddressed EXTENDS TypeDesc_Array
types: ARRAY [...] or by the data sources. Array [...] index Example: PLC